Violence at Palakpakan Fiesta


TITLE Violence at Palakpakan Fiesta

SPEAKER Mrs. Leyagan (Linda) Tanug

PLACE Panganan, Bukidnon

DATE July 30, 1990.

CASSETTE #MS3B2 Womens' Talk

TRANSCRIBED Linda and Robert Hunt

INTERLINEARIZED March 1991 (RH) - redone May91

GENRE Narrative

NOTE Recorded privately in my office

MU682001 001

   Spoken: Kuntee    ne  aldew   te  maapun,        egpangguhud             a    
   Formal: Kuntee    ne  aldew   te  maapun         egpangguhud             a    
 Phonemic: kunte­e   ne  ­aldew  te  mahapun        ­egpa¥gugud             ­a   
  Lexemes: kunte­e   ne  ­aldew  te  mA1-=hapun     ­eg- =paN-  =gugud      ­a   
  Lex POS: adv       lnk n       cmk aff =n_rt      v_aff=v_aff =v_rt       pron 
Lex Gloss: now/today LNK sun/day NF  ADJR=afternoon NP   =DISTR =tell_story 1s_F 
 Word POS: adv       lnk n       cmk n              v                       pron 
Wrd Gloss: today     -   day     in  afternoon      tell_a_story            I    

   Spoken: te    neyitabu      diye  te  Palakpakan. 
   Formal: te    neyitabu      diye  te  Palakpakan  
 Phonemic: te    nehitabu­     die­  te  Palakpakan  
  Lexemes: te    nA-  =hitabu­ die­  te  Palakpakan  
  Lex POS: cmk   v_aff=v_rt    dem   cmk prop_n      
Lex Gloss: NF    P_ObF=happen  there NF  Palakpakan  
 Word POS: cmk   v             dem   cmk prop_n      
Wrd Gloss: about happened      there at  Palakpakan  

Today in the afternoon, I am telling a story about what happened there at Palakpakan.

This afternoon I am telling a story about what happened at Palakpakan.

MU682001 002

   Spoken: Pitsa beyinti-singku dispiras te  pista    te  Palakpakan. 
   Formal: Pitsa binti-singku   dispiras te  pista    te  Palakpakan  
 Phonemic: pitsa bintisi¥ku     dispidas te  pista    te  Palakpakan  
  Lexemes: pitsa binti =si¥ku   dispidas te  pista    te  Palakpakan  
  Lex POS: n_rt  num   =num     n        cmk n        cmk prop_n      
Lex Gloss: date  twenty=five    prelude  NF  festival NF  Palakpakan  
 Word POS: n     num            n        cmk n        cmk prop_n      
Wrd Gloss: date  twenty-five    prelude  of  fiesta   at  Palakpakan  

The 25th was the prelude to the fiesta at Palakpakan.

The 25th was the prelude to the fiesta at Palakpakan.

MU682001 003

   Spoken: Ne  marusilem    te  binti-singku, nalibulung     ka  etew   riye  
   Formal: Ne  marusilem    te  binti-singku  nalibulung     ka  etew   riye  
 Phonemic: ne  madusilem    te  bintisi¥ku    nalibulu¥      ka2 ­etew  die­  
  Lexemes: ne  mA1-=dusilem te  binti =si¥ku  nA-  =libulu¥  ka2 ­etew  die­  
  Lex POS: lnk aff =n_rt    cmk num   =num    v_aff=v_rt     cmk n      dem   
Lex Gloss: LNK ADJR=night   NF  twenty=five   P_ObF=assemble F   person there 
 Word POS: lnk n            cmk num           v              cmk n      dem   
Wrd Gloss: -   night        of  twenty-five   met            the people there 

   Spoken: te  social hall sug        pitew       teg pasayew           te  salurey 
   Formal: te  social hall su         egpitew     te  egpasayew         te  salurey 
 Phonemic: te  social hall su         ­egpitew    te  ­egpasayew        te  saludey 
  Lexemes: te  social hall su         ­eg- =pitew te  ­eg- =pA-  =sayew te  saludey 
  Lex POS: cmk adj    n    conj       v_aff=v_rt  cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt  cmk n       
Lex Gloss: NF  social hall because/so NP   =look  NF  NP   =CAUS =dance NF  zither  
 Word POS: cmk adj    n    conj       v           cmk v                 cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: at  social hall so_that    look        at  cause_to_dance    to  zither  

   Spoken: wey  kuglung. 
   Formal: wey  kuglung  
 Phonemic: wey  kuglu¥   
  Lexemes: wey  kuglu¥   
  Lex POS: conj n        
Lex Gloss: and  guitar   
 Word POS: conj n        
Wrd Gloss: and  guitar   

It was night on the 25th and the people had gathered there at the social hall to watch those asked to dance with the salurey and kuglung.

It was night time on the 25th and the people had gathered at the social hall to watch those dancing with the salurey and kuglung.

MU682001 004

   Spoken: Masulug     ne  etew   ne  nalibulung,    ne  neelin      ne  
   Formal: Masulug     ne  etew   ne  nalibulung     ne  neelin      ne  
 Phonemic: Masulug     ne  ­etew  ne  nalibulu¥      ne  ne­elin     ne  
  Lexemes: mA1-=sulug  ne  ­etew  ne  nA-  =libulu¥  ne  nA-  =­elin ne  
  Lex POS: aff =adj_rt lnk n      lnk v_aff=v_rt     lnk v_aff=v_rt  lnk 
Lex Gloss: ADJR=many   LNK person LNK P_ObF=assemble LNK P_ObF=all   LNK 
 Word POS: prop_n      lnk n      lnk v              lnk v           lnk 
Wrd Gloss: Masulug     -   people -   met            -   all         -   

   Spoken: Matigsalug.              
   Formal: Matigsalug               
 Phonemic: Matigsalug               
  Lexemes: Matigsalug               
  Lex POS: prop_n                   
Lex Gloss: those_by_the_Salug_river 
 Word POS: prop_n                   
Wrd Gloss: Matigsalug               

Many people had assembled - all Matigsalug.

Many people had assembled - all Matigsalug.

MU682001 005

   Spoken: Due       nalibulung     degma riye  te  Bariyu  Hul  neg 
   Formal: Due       nalibulung     degma riye  te  Bariyu  Hul  ne  
 Phonemic: du­e1     nalibulu¥      degma die­  te  badiu   hul  ne  
  Lexemes: du­e1     nA-  =libulu¥  degma die­  te  badiu   hul  ne  
  Lex POS: psd_v     v_aff=v_rt     adt   dem   cmk n       n    lnk 
Lex Gloss: there_is  P_ObF=assemble also  there NF  barrio  hall LNK 
 Word POS: psd_v     v              adt   dem   cmk n       n    lnk 
Wrd Gloss: there_was met            also  there in  village hall -   

   Spoken: sasayew            te  Biseye    ne  pegsayew,   Baylihan,   piru seini  
   Formal: egsasayew          te  Biseye    ne  pegsayew    Baylihan    piru seini  
 Phonemic: ­egsasayew         te  Biseye­   ne  pegsayew    bayligan    pidu se­ini 
  Lexemes: ­eg- =rdpCV-=sayew te  Biseye­   ne  peg- =sayew bayli=-an   pidu se­ini 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff =v_rt  cmk n         lnk v_aff=v_rt  v_rt =v_aff conj pron   
Lex Gloss: NP   =-     =dance NF  Visayan   LNK NMR  =dance disco=LocF  but  this   
 Word POS: v                  cmk n         lnk n           v           conj pron   
Wrd Gloss: dance              -   lowlander -   dancing     disco       but  this   

   Spoken: se  nalibulung     ne  Matigsalug               migdegpakan        
   Formal: se  nalibulung     ne  Matigsalug               migdegpakan        
 Phonemic: se  nalibulu¥      ne  Matigsalug               migdegpakan        
  Lexemes: se  nA-  =libulu¥  ne  Matigsalug               mig- =degpak=-an   
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff=v_rt     lnk prop_n                   v_aff=v_rt  =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: F   P_ObF=assemble LNK those_by_the_Salug_river P    =throw =LocF  
 Word POS: cmk v              lnk prop_n                   v                  
Wrd Gloss: the met            -   Matigsalug               threw              

   Spoken: te  hand-grenade. 
   Formal: te  hand-grenade  
 Phonemic: te  hand-grenade  
  Lexemes: te  hand-grenade  
  Lex POS: cmk n             
Lex Gloss: NF  hand-grenade  
 Word POS: cmk n             
Wrd Gloss: -   hand-grenade  

There was also a meeting at the Barrio Hall that were dancing the Visayan dance, disco, but this Matigsalug gathering was where the hand-grenade was thrown.

There was also a group at the Barrio Hall who were doing Visayan dancing, disco, but the hand-grenade was thrown at the Matigsalugs.

MU682001 006

   Spoken: Tatelu       se  namatey,      sapulu  wey  pitu  se  napalian.         
   Formal: Tatelu       se  namatey       sapulu  wey  pitu  se  napalian          
 Phonemic: tatelu       se  namatey       sapulu­ wey  pitu  se  napali­an         
  Lexemes: rdpCa-=telu  se  naN-   =patey sapulu­ wey  pitu  se  nA-  =pali­=-an   
  Lex POS: num_af=num   cmk v_aff  =v_rt  num     conj num   cmk v_aff=v_rt =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: -     =three F   P_DIST =die   ten     and  seven F   P_ObF=wound=LocF  
 Word POS: adj          cmk v             num     conj num   cmk v                 
Wrd Gloss: three        the died          ten     and  seven the wounded           

Three were killed, seventeen were wounded.

Three were killed, seventeen were wounded.

MU682001 007

   Spoken: Mig-uyan    e    riye  te  hespital. 
   Formal: Mig-uyan    e    riye  te  hespital  
 Phonemic: mig­uyan    ­e   die­  te  hespital  
  Lexemes: mig- =­uyan ­e   die­  te  hespital  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt  part dem   cmk n         
Lex Gloss: P    =carry COMP there NF  hospital  
 Word POS: v           part dem   cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: carried     COMP there to  hospital  

(They) were carried to hospital.

They were taken to hospital.

MU682001 008

   Spoken: Warad          nekeuma            riye  te  hespital ka  duma  - 
   Formal: Warad          nekeuma            riye  te  hespital ka  duma  - 
 Phonemic: wadad          neke­uma           die­  te  hespital ka2 duma  - 
  Lexemes: wade­=-d       nAkA-      =­uma   die­  te  hespital ka2 duma  - 
  Lex POS: adv  =nonv_aff v_aff      =v_rt   dem   cmk n        cmk adj   - 
Lex Gloss: no   =COMPL    P_INVOL_AgF=arrive there NF  hospital F   other - 
 Word POS: adt            v                  dem   cmk n        cmk n     - 
Wrd Gloss: no_more        arrived            there to  hospital the other - 

   Spoken: namatey       e.   
   Formal: namatey       e    
 Phonemic: namatey       ­e   
  Lexemes: naN-   =patey ­e   
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt  part 
Lex Gloss: P_DIST =die   COMP 
 Word POS: v             part 
Wrd Gloss: died          COMP 

The others didn't arrive at the hospital - they were already dead.

The others didn't arrive at the hospital - they were already dead.

This is talking about the three - not the seventeen.

MU682001 009

   Spoken: Ka  duma, diye  pad    kuntee    te  hespital. 
   Formal: Ka  duma  diye  pad    kuntee    te  hespital  
 Phonemic: ka2 duma  die­  pad    kunte­e   te  hespital  
  Lexemes: ka2 duma  die­  pad    kunte­e   te  hespital  
  Lex POS: cmk adj   dem   part   adv       cmk n         
Lex Gloss: F   other there INCOMP now/today NF  hospital  
 Word POS: cmk n     dem   part   adv       cmk n         
Wrd Gloss: the other there still  today     in  hospital  

The others - still there now in hospital.

The others are still in hospital.

MU682001 010

   Spoken: Ka  Kepitan        te  Kiulum napalian          degma. 
   Formal: Ka  Kepitan        te  Kiulum napalian          degma  
 Phonemic: ka2 kepitan        te  Kiulum napali­an         degma  
  Lexemes: ka2 kepitan        te  Kiulum nA-  =pali­=-an   degma  
  Lex POS: cmk n              cmk prop_n v_aff=v_rt =v_aff adt    
Lex Gloss: F   captain        NF  Kiulum P_ObF=wound=LocF  also   
 Word POS: cmk n              cmk prop_n v                 adt    
Wrd Gloss: the barrio_captain at  Kiulum wounded           also   

The barrio captain from Kiulum was also wounded.

The barrio captain from Kiulum was also wounded.

This was later found to be false - it was someone of the same name.

MU682001 011

   Spoken: Ware  na          siguru  keg  keuyag            wey  sendei      te  
   Formal: Ware  na          siguru  ke   egkeuyag          wey  se  hendei  te  
 Phonemic: wade­ na          siggudu ke   ­egke­uyag        wey  se #hende­i te  
  Lexemes: wade­ na          siggudu ke   ­eg- =kA1- =­uyag wey  se #hende­i te  
  Lex POS: adv   conj        adv     conj v_aff=v_aff=v_rt  conj cmk#pron    cmk 
Lex Gloss: no    exclamation certain if   NP   =INVOL=live  and  F  #where   NF  
 Word POS: adv   conj        adv     conj v                 conj cmk#pron    cmk 
Wrd Gloss: not   so          certain if   live              and  the#where   -   

   Spoken: kene. 
   Formal: kene  
 Phonemic: kene­ 
  Lexemes: kene­ 
  Lex POS: adv   
Lex Gloss: not   
 Word POS: adv   
Wrd Gloss: not   

It is not certain if he is alive or not.

It is not certain if he is alive or not.

MU682001 012

   Spoken: Iyan egpangguhud             kayit     kanami      te  
   Formal: Iyan egpangguhud             kayi  te  kanami      te  
 Phonemic: ­ian ­egpa¥gugud             kai  #te  kanami      te  
  Lexemes: ­ian ­eg- =paN-  =gugud      kai  #te  kanami      te  
  Lex POS: dem  v_aff=v_aff =v_rt       dem  #cmk pron        cmk 
Lex Gloss: that NP   =DISTR =tell_story here #NF  1pe_NF(III) NF  
 Word POS: dem  v                       dem   cmk pron        cmk 
Wrd Gloss: that tell_a_story            here  at  we(excl)    -   

   Spoken: matig-Panganan      si         Aye   Linggawayan, matig-Kiulum.     
   Formal: matig-Panganan      si         Aye   Linggawayan  matig-Kiulum      
 Phonemic: matigPa¥anan        si         ­aye­ Li¥gawayan   matigKiulum       
  Lexemes: mA1-=tig- =Pa¥anan  si         ­aye­ Li¥gawayan   mA1-=tig- =Kiulum 
  Lex POS: aff =v_aff=prop_n   cmk        n     prop_n       aff =v_aff=prop_n 
Lex Gloss: ADJR=from =Panganan F_PERS(sg) aunt  Linggawayan  ADJR=from =Kiulum 
 Word POS: adj                 cmk        n     prop_n       adj               
Wrd Gloss: from_Panganan       -          aunt  Linggawayan  from_Kiulum       

That was the one who told us from Panganan - Aunt Linggawayan from Kiulum.

Aunt Linggawayan from Kiulum was the one who told the story to us here in Panganan.

MU682001 013

   Spoken: Migpanumbaley           riye  te  Palakpakan diye  te  suled           
   Formal: Migpanumbaley           riye  te  Palakpakan diye  te  suled           
 Phonemic: migpanumbaley           die­  te  Palakpakan die­  te  suled           
  Lexemes: mig- =paN-   =sumbaley  die­  te  Palakpakan die­  te  suled           
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff  =n         dem   cmk prop_n     dem   cmk n               
Lex Gloss: P    =DISTR  =neighbour there NF  Palakpakan there NF  brother/sibling 
 Word POS: v                       dem   cmk prop_n     dem   cmk n               
Wrd Gloss: visited                 there at  Palakpakan there to  cousin          

   Spoken: din  nasapen     e    te  pista.   
   Formal: din  nasapen     e    te  pista    
 Phonemic: din  nasapen     ­e   te  pista    
  Lexemes: din  nA-  =sapen ­e   te  pista    
  Lex POS: pron v_aff=v_rt  part cmk n        
Lex Gloss: 3s_F P_ObF=catch COMP NF  festival 
 Word POS: pron v           part cmk n        
Wrd Gloss: her  attended    COMP -   fiesta   

She was visiting there at Palakpakan - there with her cousin attending the fiesta.

She was visiting there at Palakpakan - there with her cousin attending the fiesta.

MU682001 014

   Spoken: Iyan din  ware  ikasuhat        su         nakita     seeye      
   Formal: Iyan din  ware  ikasuhat        su         nakita     seeye      
 Phonemic: ­ian din  wade­ ­ikasugat       su         nakita     se­eye­    
  Lexemes: ­ian din  wade­ ­ika-    =sugat su         nA-  =kita se­eye­    
  Lex POS: dem  pron adv   v_aff    =v_rt  conj       v_aff=v_rt dem        
Lex Gloss: that 3s_F no    UnA_INVOL=hit   because/so P_ObF=see  that_there 
 Word POS: dem  pron adv   v               conj       v          dem        
Wrd Gloss: that she  not   shot            because    saw        there      

   Spoken: se  nakareeg                   diye  te  tane   ne  malibusen    
   Formal: se  nakareeg                   diye  te  tane   ne  malibusen    
 Phonemic: se  nakade­eg                  die­  te  tane­  ne  malibusen    
  Lexemes: se  nAkA-      =de­eg          die­  te  tane­  ne  mA1-=libusen 
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff      =v_rt           dem   cmk n      lnk aff =adj_rt  
Lex Gloss: F   P_INVOL_AgF=fall_to_ground there NF  earth  LNK ADJR=round   
 Word POS: cmk v                          dem   cmk n      lnk adj          
Wrd Gloss: the fell_to_ground             there on  ground -   round        

   Spoken: miglangkeb           es   kandin,  miglilid-lilid       e.   
   Formal: miglangkeb           e    sikandin miglilid-lilid       e    
 Phonemic: migla¥keb            ­e   sikandin miglilidlilid        ­e   
  Lexemes: mig- =la¥keb         ­e   sikandin mig- =rdpRT-=lilid   ­e   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt           part pron     v_aff=v_aff =v_rt    part 
Lex Gloss: P    =lie_on_stomach COMP 3s_F     P    =INT   =roll    COMP 
 Word POS: v                    part pron     v                    part 
Wrd Gloss: lay_prostrate        COMP she      rolled_over_and_over COMP 

She was not hit because she saw over there something round hit the ground and she fell down on her stomach and rolled over.

She wasn't hit because she saw something round hit the ground and she fell down on her stomach and rolled away.

MU682001 015

   Spoken: Diyad          migsasindeg    te  mariyu      e.   
   Formal: Diyad          migsasindeg    te  mariyu      e    
 Phonemic: diad           migsasindeg    te  madiyu­     ­e   
  Lexemes: die­ =-d       mig- =sasindeg te  mA1-=diyu­  ­e   
  Lex POS: dem  =nonv_aff v_aff=v_rt     cmk aff =adj_rt part 
Lex Gloss: there=COMPL    P    =stand    NF  ADJR=far    COMP 
 Word POS: adt            v              cmk adj         part 
Wrd Gloss: there          stood          at  far         COMP 

There she stood up far away.

When she was far away, she stood up.

MU682001 016

   Spoken: Nataman     sikandin se  migsasindeg,   migpallahuy    e    aput    
   Formal: Nataman     sikandin se  migsasindeg    migpallahuy    e    aput    
 Phonemic: nataman     sikandin se  migsasindeg    migpallaguy    ­e   ­aput   
  Lexemes: nA-  =taman sikandin se  mig- =sasindeg mig- =pallaguy ­e   ­aput   
  Lex POS: v_aff=adv   pron     cmk v_aff=v_rt     v_aff=v_rt     part v_rt    
Lex Gloss: P_ObF=until 3s_F     F   P    =stand    P    =run      COMP shelter 
 Word POS: v           pron     cmk v              v              part v       
Wrd Gloss: finished    she      the stood          ran            COMP shelter 

   Spoken: e    riyet     baley. 
   Formal: e    riye  te  baley  
 Phonemic: ­e   die­ #te  baley  
  Lexemes: ­e   die­ #te  baley  
  Lex POS: part dem  #cmk n      
Lex Gloss: COMP there#NF  house  
 Word POS: part dem  #cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: COMP there#in  house  

Having stood up, she ran, sheltered there in a house.

Then she ran and sheltered in a house.

MU682001 017

   Spoken: Su         kayi re   taman     ka  pangguhuren                ku        
   Formal: su         kayi re   taman     ka  pangguhuren                ku        
 Phonemic: su         kai  de­  taman     ka2 pa¥guguden                 ku        
  Lexemes: su         kai  de­  taman     ka2 paN-     =gugud     =-en   ku        
  Lex POS: conj       dem  part adv       cmk v_aff    =v_rt      =v_aff pron      
Lex Gloss: because/so here only until     F   DISTR    =tell_story=ObF   1s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: conj       dem  part ?         cmk v                          poss_pron 
Wrd Gloss: so         here just as_far_as the story                      my        

   Spoken: te    neyitabu      diye  te  Palakpakan. 
   Formal: te    neyitabu      diye  te  Palakpakan  
 Phonemic: te    nehitabu­     die­  te  Palakpakan  
  Lexemes: te    nA-  =hitabu­ die­  te  Palakpakan  
  Lex POS: cmk   v_aff=v_rt    dem   cmk prop_n      
Lex Gloss: NF    P_ObF=happen  there NF  Palakpakan  
 Word POS: cmk   v             dem   cmk prop_n      
Wrd Gloss: about happened      there at  Palakpakan  

So here ends my story about what happened there at Palakpakan.

So here ends my story about what happened there at Palakpakan.